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Remember the oath to join the league, write the youth chapter -- Guiyang Information Science and Technology College information Engineering Department held the oath ceremony for new members to join the league
来源:  作者:  编辑:Information department  日期:2024-03-25  Click rate:1411  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

    为Deep learningImplement the spirit of the Party's 20 major, enhance the cohesion and appeal of the league organization, strengthen the construction of the Communist Youth League team, Information Science and Technology College of Guiyang Department of Information EngineeringTotal expenditure20240322日在B209Classroom holdrecruitJoining the league oath ceremony。

    会议Department of information engineering总支Student unionOrganization Department Zu Dasheng主持

    The first item of the meeting,participant全体起立Sing the national anthem of the People's Republic of China。

    New members全程Look solemn, QiSonic singingIn solemn氛围In the league, the ceremony opened帷幕。

   Item two of the meeting,recruitWear the league emblem,Join a league宣誓。

    Department of information engineering总支Student unionThe head of the organization Department He Shaoxian read the list of members of the league,总支Student unionYang Qian, the person in charge, wears the league emblem for the new members, with the yearning and reverence for the Communist Youth League,New membersSolemnly take the oath under the bright regimental flag:“I volunteer to join the Communist Youth League of China and firmly support the leadership of the Communist Party of China……”The sonorous and powerful vows echoed in the classroom, interpreting the mission and responsibility of the new members, and the clenched right fist showed the firm faith and determination of the members。

   The third item of the meeting is to sing the group song。

   The whole audience sang the league song "Glorious Ah, the Chinese Communist Youth League", the sincere singing, interpreting the passion of the youth members to serve the country。

    The fourth item of the meeting, Mr. Li Jiale, Secretary of the General branch of Information Engineering Group讲话

   During speechTeacher Li JialeEmphasis on studentsKeep in mind the oath to join the league, earnestly fulfill the rights and obligations of the members, always strictly require themselves to be members of the league, and strive to become an excellent member of the Communist Youth League。Young people in the new era should study Party historyFeel party kindnessFollow the Party, promote action with knowledge and practice, and think deeply about the role they play in the great cause of the Party and the peopleIt is necessary to inherit the fine traditions of the older generation, take over the baton of history, and strive to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。



Committee of General Branch of Information Engineering Department of Information Science and Technology College of Communist Youth League Guiyang


编辑:Information department
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