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Ideological and political teaching Department teaching and research department director post responsibilities
来源:Guiyang Institute of Information Technology  作者:Luo Yuda  编辑:Ministry of Ideology, Politics and Education  日期:2022-10-01  Click rate:3156  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

一、Assist the minister to do a good job in teaching, scientific research, management and other work of the ideological and political Department。According to the teaching, scientific research, management and other tasks assigned by the Ministry, organize the teachers of the teaching and research department to study, discuss and decide important matters in the teaching, scientific research, management and other work of the teaching and research department。

2. According to the teaching and research plan of the teaching Department, responsible for the formulation of the teaching and research plan of the teaching and research Department;To implement the teaching, research, management and other rules and regulations of the teaching department。Together with the department leaders, supervise and inspect the implementation of the teaching and research planning and various systems of the teaching and research department。

3. According to the teaching tasks assigned by the College to the teaching Department, the teaching work of the teachers in the teaching and Research Department shall be rationally arranged, and the teaching tasks undertaken by the teaching and Research Department shall be conscientiously implemented。Give priority to the teaching tasks of the college full-time and part-time teachers, and give full play to the teaching potential of the college full-time and part-time teachers。Strictly control the level of external teachers and ensure the quality of teaching。

Iv. According to the teaching plan, teaching schedule, class schedule and teaching plan,Conscientiously organize and urge the teachers to complete the courses they undertake,Organize teachers in the teaching and research office to carry out online and offline classroom teaching activities;Organize the teachers of the teaching and research department to prepare lessons collectively and listen to each other,Teaching inspection and other work,Under the leadership of the teaching department,Conduct regular teaching and research activities。

Fifth, the teaching and research Office is responsible for the formulation of curriculum questions, examinations, examination papers, examination papers review, examination papers archiving and other work。

Sixth, together with the teachers of the teaching and research department, combined with the characteristics of private colleges and universities, actively explore the form, content and educational effect of ideological and political theory course practice teaching。

7. Organize the teachers of the teaching and Research Department to actively carry out scientific research activities。Together with the teachers in the Teaching and Research Department, actively participate in and apply for the ideological and political theory teaching reform projects organized and released by the teaching Department, the college, the provincial education department and the National Education Department, and the philosophy and social science research projects at the university level, the provincial level and the national level。Create conditions to actively apply for school-level, provincial and national quality courses。Actively apply for school-level and provincial-level famous teachers。

8. Carry out other work arranged by the teaching Department。

According to the requirements, the teaching and research department should be set up according to four main courses, and the responsibilities of the teaching and research leader and the director of the teaching and research department are the same before the establishment。

The duties of the director of the Labor Education Teaching and Research Section, the National Defense Education Teaching and Research Section, the three basic and one Nuclear Teaching and Research section, and the four lessons and one Extension Teaching and Research section shall be implemented with reference to the above provisions。

                   Guiyang Information Science and Technology College ideological and political teaching department



作者:Luo Yuda
编辑:Ministry of Ideology, Politics and Education
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