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Notice on Strengthening safety Education and Safety and Stability work of students during the summer vacation
来源:  作者:  编辑:Information department  日期:2020-07-14  Click rate:14118  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

   为Fully do current and summer holidays学生Safety education management work, effectively prevent the occurrence of student drowning, traffic, suicide and other accidental casualties, further integration学院Family, social forces to carry out safety education management, create学院Care for the safety of students in the social atmosphere, according to the provincial Committee of Education and Work Committee, provincial Department of Education issuedThe province's education system effectively prevents accidental casualties of students and strengthens safety education management“六个Programme of WorkNotice of (Qian education (commission) development [ 2020〕37号Job requirements,Student Affairs decided to startStrengthen safety education on effectively preventing accidental casualties of studentsStudents work safely and steadily during the summer vacationThe relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

Strengthen leadership and clarify responsibilities

For the education management of student safety before and during the holiday, all departments should attach great importance to it, strengthen leadership, and fully implement it学院The job requirements, combined系部In practice, take active and effective measures to do a good job in students' safety education。Responsibilities must be clearly defined, implemented at all levels, and results-oriented.Do a good job in the safety education of students and students not in school to ensure that every class and every student is covered

Carry out in-depth safety education and effectively enhance students' safety awareness

(一)Continue to focus on epidemic prevention and controlChild rearing。

To pass the class meeting,QQ group, wechat group and other formsContinue to carry outEducation, although the domestic epidemic situation has improved, the details of protection still need to be paid attention to。Educate and guide students to fully understand the seriousness of the epidemic, attach great importance to the prevention and control of the epidemic, must not be paralyzed by carelessness, and must be responsible and responsible.Obey local authorities和学Control and安排,积极配合Prevention and control,Take care of yourself and make contributions to the country and society。

(二)Carry out safety education on drowning prevention工作

To prevent drowning safety education asRecent andThe focus of the summer work is to strengthen the safety education of students in various forms to prevent drowning, warning students not to swim in unsafe places, not to swim in waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel。To take some drowning accidents as cases, let students know the extreme danger of private water, educate students to learn lessons, cherish life, there can be no paralysis of careless thoughts and fluke psychology。

(三)We will do a good job in disaster prevention and mitigation education。

近期雨、Hail, landslidesMultiple seasons, eachThe prevention of flood, debris flow, lightning and other natural disasters should be vigorously publicized through various ways。Strengthen preventionStampede, dormitory违规Education of man-made hazards such as electricity consumption。It is necessary to pay close attention to disaster warning information, especially thunderstorm warning information, timely notify students by phone, SMS and other ways, remind students to avoid going out as far as possible。

(四)Strengthen safety education against fraud and pyramid schemes工作

Educate students to pay attention to the changes in the form of Internet fraud, keep a clear mind at all times, take good care of personal information, do not believe in cold calls, and resolutely not greedy for windfall profits。It is necessary to convey safety education tips to students in place, and improve students' holiday safety and legal awarenessLegal publicity and education should be carried out to educate students to abide by the law and not participate in pyramid schemesFeudal superstitionIllegal religious activities and other illegal and disciplinary activities;Emphasize that it is strictly forbidden to organize group travel, educate students to pay attention to personal and property safety with fresh and typical cases, and enhance students' safety responsibility awareness;Educate and guide students to establish correct financial consumption concepts, improve students' awareness and ability to prevent financial risks, and consciously stay away from badCampus net loan

(五)Do a good job in the publicity and education of relevant disease prevention and control knowledge。

All departments should combine the characteristics of the summer epidemic, urge students to pay attention to personal hygiene and develop good health habits。Students should be taught to minimize unnecessary activities such as parties and travel, and pay attention to preventing diseases such as food poisoning and intestinal infectious diseases。

(6) Other security matters

1.Students who have returned to school have completed the teaching tasks of the school this semester, and must obey the traffic rules on the journey home, take legal vehicles, and take personal protectionPrevent the occurrence of traffic accidentsWhen students return home, they should check with their counsellors that they are safe。

2.Students who go out to practice need to obtain information through legal channels, and do not trust others to stray into pyramid marketing organizations。Protect their legitimate rights and interests。

During the holidays at homeMatters needing attention

(一)Do not believe or participate in any form of illegal activities, actively participate in healthy and meaningful social practice activities, do a model of changing customs, consciously maintain the image of college students

(二)Epidemic prevention and control periodTry to avoidDine together, visit relatives and friends, go to crowded places as little as possible, and wear a mask properly when going outNo drinking, no gambling, to avoid accidents。

In and out of theaters, shopping malls and other public places, should always pay attention to anti-robbery, anti-theft防火Prevent accidents to avoid accidental injury or property damage。

Students who use vacation to find jobs must first obtain parental consent and report to the department for the record。工作During social practice, do not trust others to prevent being used by illegal organizations such as pyramid schemes。

Pay attention to network security, civilized Internet, do not indulge in the network, away from"Sex, gambling and drugs", consciously resist all kinds of harmful information, illegal information

Grasp the flow of students during the summer vacation

(一)Each department does wellHave returned to schoolRecords of students leaving school and returning home to ensure safe and smooth return of students。Main points of each departmentCheck one by one各班Student holidayThe situation, rightHave completed this semester逗留学校Students to understand the situation, timely communication with their parents,And enclose the attachment4: A letter to parentsCombined with the actual department forwarded to the students' parentsDo a good job of relevant statistical work。

(二)Strictly implement the information submission system, once there is an accident, eachBe sure to report to the school staff as soon as possible保卫And make proper disposal in time to prevent the occurrence of late reporting, missing reporting and concealment

, related job requirements。

Each department is about the rightThis safety educationThe implementation of the work pleaseIn due timeIn the form of written materials with the official seal of the department submitted to the student office。The submission includesXXThe department is about strengthening safety education on Effectively preventing accidental casualties of studentsReport on the implementation of the Notice on the Safe and Stable Work of Students during the Summer Vacation (annex1When the returning students leave school,Turn it in by July 22The report clearly states the specific implementation situation and the total number of students in the department, the number of students who have returned home and the number of students who have not returned home。后附XX学生2018-2019 Summer school yearStatistics of students who have not returned home附件2Summer vacation destination of XX students in 2018-2019 academic yearStatistical table附件3When the returning students leave school,Turn it in by July 22】,The vacation destination form must be signed by the student himself.Other forms of confirmation are taken if the student has actually combined the departments at homeMaterials for class meeting on Safety Education (with photos)Turn it in by July 17th】,After the electronic files of the above materials are sorted outSend the package to 892418794@qq before July



Attachment: A letter to parents.doc





编辑:Information department
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